
Kitchen installers,kitchen customers

and kitchen sellers common nightmare.

Kitchentable joints that are


That perfect worktop joints often are difficult to achieve, is a known problem. The boards are slipping and edges occur. Tap with hammer and block, screws all the right places in the corpus. A list placed between upper cabinet and the worktop to keep the board in place, is also a often used metod trying to achieve a usable result etc. All this while the glue slowly but surely is hardening.

The "Boardjoiner" solves this problem in less then a minute, WITHOUT ANY "stegging"

The installer saves time and achieves 100% perfect result EVERY TIME. The customer is happy and the kitchenseller get rid of all complaints.

Besides of making perfect worktop joints, the boardjoiner also can be used for other purposes.

No more stagging joints

The Boardjoiner provides a 100% perfect result. Guaranteed without stagging

Perfect fit without screws or sealants

Indispensable when mounting skirting boards. The Boardjoiner keeps the board in place while the glue is drying

Keeps your elements in level

To help instal cabinets on uneven walls

For anything else to lift up

To lift and place heavy cabinets, ceramic hobs, granit slabs etc

Send your order by mail:

Or call/ SMS by phone:


The price for one set of 4 pcs.

2395,- Dkr (322,- Euro)

Eddie Jürgensen Design

Nr. Felding Kirkevej 20

DK-7500 Holstebro

Comments from some of our customers:

Per Jönsson Teamleder

HTH  Danmark

"The "Boardjoiner"is the best tool since the invention of the handsaw"


Joakim Andresson VD

Creoform Sverige

"Feedback from dealers / installers who have used the" boardjoiners" at the kitchen installation where  all positive"

Søren Stoltz Butikschef

Svane Køkkenet Nykøbing Falster

"Our installer is very happy with the tool, both as a boardjoiner, and even when he must move granite slabs into place"

Rene Bang montør


"Yes they are amazing. And I save a lot of time and trouble. The quality is great"

Claus Snedker montør


"As a fanatical, demanding tool idiot I must say that this is probably the best / coolest tool I've ever bought while I have fitted kitchens.

Even the heaviest stone slabs, you can sneak in place"

Søren Flygenring montør

"It is simply an amazing tool, a must when you have to do finish work"

Thomas Jørgensen montør

"I'm really happy for the boardjoiner, and have to say that they work really well and are very quick to use, and give you get a good joint every time"

Jon Andersen montør

"The boardjoiners works really well and can also be used for many other things, her imagination has its limitations"

John-Atle Enerhaugen

Enerhaugen Bygg & Interiør Norge

"I'm very happy. Not only are the joints perfect, but the" boardjoiners" are also ideal for lifting the hob etc"

Peter Karmark

Svanekøkken Bornholm

"We are very excited about the boardjoiners. They have certainly facilitated our work to make perfect joints"


Den Lille Snedker:

"A unique tool that I've missed long"


Gamborg Pedersen byg:

"It plays just"


Henrik HTH:

"The boardjoiners keep their promises"


V. Åby Køkkencenter :

"Builders love it. This tool can really make plates up and give a 100% perfect result in no time"


Jacob Tvede 2T Byg Danmark:

"Thanks for the shipment of the new boardjoiners. I just wanted to report back that it was a pleasure to use them today for joining 2 kitchen worktops"


Per Asmussen Tage Nissen A/S:

"The boardjoiner is a super tool. We sell and install Kitchens, and never fit a tabletop without using the tool. Everything else is just too old fashioned and cumbersome"